【单选题】【A3/A4 题型】 患者,女性,60岁,高热1周,以右上肺炎收入院。入院后神志清楚,仍有高热,胸片示右上肺肺纹理明显增粗。为排除病人患有肺结核的可能,需病人留痰做培养,下列做法不对的是
【单选题】【A3/A4 题型】患者,女性,60岁,高热1周,以右上肺炎收入院。入院后神志清楚,仍有高热,胸片示右上肺肺纹理明显增粗。 医嘱抽取血标本做血培养,护士应
【单选题】A3/A4 题型】患者,女性,60岁,因心衰在家卧床3周,近日骶尾部皮肤破溃,家庭病床护士观察后认为是压疮的炎性浸润期。为病人制定的护理计划哪项不妥
【单选题】We drift back to our office, wondering how to _______the wasted time.
【单选题】【A3/A4 题型】患者,女性,60岁。因黄疸、腹痛40天入院。40天来患者皮肤发黄,持续腹痛且逐渐加重,牵扯腰背部,不敢平卧,夜间不能入睡,疼痛难忍。诊断:胰头癌(晚期)。体格检查:患者消瘦,体重为45kg,面容憔悴、精神萎靡、表情痛苦,皮肤黏膜黄染。 首选的护理诊断是:
【简答题】Model 2: We drift back to our offices and wonder how to make up the wasted time. We drift back to our offices, wondering how to make up for the wasted time. He sat there silently and realized that all...
【简答题】Translate the following sentence into Chinese. We drift back to our offices, wondering how to make up for the wasted time.
【单选题】【A3/A4 题型】患者,女性,60岁,高热1周,以右上肺炎收入院。入院后神志清楚,仍有高热,胸片示右上肺肺纹理明显增粗。 如病人并发泌尿系感染,护士采用下列哪种方法留取尿培养标本
【简答题】Model 2: We drift back to our offices and wonder how to make up the wasted time. We drift back to our offices, wondering how to make up for the wasted time. The athletes appeared on the sports ground ...