【判断题】自持放电是指电子崩仅由电场的作用而自行维持和发展。 ( )
【单选题】读图知,组成该山体岩石的矿物直接来自______ ( )
【判断题】The basis of well-test analysis techniques for homogeneous-acting reservoirs is the line-source solution to the diffusivity equation.
【多选题】For the line-source well,what are the additional assumptions?
Applicability of Darcy's flow
The well has zero radius
The well drains an infinite area
【单选题】下列关于格式属性的叙述中,错误的是( )。
【判断题】For a given source voltage Vs and the magnitude of line current, the received voltage is higher for lagging loads and lower for leading loads.
【单选题】( )认为决定人类幼儿说话的因素不是经验和学习,而是先天遗传的语言能力。