【简答题】2008年9月25日21点10分04秒,“神舟七号”载人飞船从中国酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场用长征二号F火箭发射升空。飞船于2008年9月28日17点37分成功着陆于中国内蒙古,实现了中国历史上宇航员第一次的太空漫步,令中国成为世界上第三个有能力把航天员送上太空进行太空行走的国家。 (1)火箭在加速上升的过程中机械能____(填“增大”“减小”或“不变”),这个能量是由 _____能转化过来的...
【单选题】Many people consider the wider use of biofuels a promising way of reducing the amount of surplus carbon dioxide (CO2n) being pumped into the air by the world’s mechanized transport. The theory is that...
burning biofuels does not add CO2n to the atmosphere.
biofuels can slow down the pace of global warming.
biofuels is a promising and profitable form. of green energy.
burning biofuels discharges less N2nO than burning oils.
【单选题】When Adam Smith presented his theory of absolute advantage, he thought that all value was measured in terms of the amount of _______ used in the production of the good.
【多选题】创业初期拥有很多资源并不一定是好事的原因是( )