【单选题】This work is _________difficult for us. We need _________people.
much too; another three
【单选题】This maths problem is easy to work out. This maths problem is not _ to work out.
【单选题】This work is expected to fulfill a need that lawyers have felt for many years.
【单选题】. I feel the thing that’s exciting to me about this work is finding ways to do something in the space of an evening ________ people can sit through to deal with large concerns.
【单选题】2017年1月18日,习近平在日内瓦万国宫出席“共商共筑人类命运共同体”高级别会议,深刻、全面、系统阐述人类命运共同体理念,贡献了中国智慧与中国方案。60多年前,中国也贡献了一个完美的方案,促进了中国同亚非各国的团结和合作。这一“方案”是指( )
【单选题】Which of the following sentences is a clear indication of the CONTRIBUTION? “The events and the associated factors are classified in three phases to identify and explain what hygienes and motivators l...
“The events and the associated factors are classified in three phases to identify and explain what hygienes and motivators look like for smartphone use and how frequent they are in comparison to other factors that contribute to users’ satisfaction/dissatisfaction.”
“The key significance of this work is to provide data on the relevance of hygienes and motivators in a UX context and to give concrete examples of these factors for smartphone use.”
“Moreover, we investigate the link between Hassenzahl’s [Hassenzahl 2004] concept of pragmatic and hedonic quality and the hygienes’motivator notion.”
“Based on previous discussions in the UX literature, we expect that pragmatic quality can be considered as hygiene and hedonic quality as motivator.”