【单选题】某企业年末流动资产总额为8000万元,其中存货5000万元,应收账款2000万元,流动负债6000万元,则该企业速动比率为( )。
【单选题】当电弧中带电质点的游离作用和去游离作用处于动态平衡时,电弧( )。
【单选题】Accoding to the clip, what can we infer from the story of Taylor Glasby and David Fermiger?
With the help of local enterprise, they had a very smooth start.
They set up this business with the purpose of helping student journalists get some work experience.
As the magazine goes national, they begin to gain much profit.
As the business grows, they will extend their music and fashion magazine to a wider range.
【简答题】实务操作项目——店铺招牌与出入口的调查分析 操作要求: 1.一组同学调查五-十家商店的招牌使用和出入口设计情况; 2.用相机记录下这些商店招牌使用情况与出入口设计情况的照片; 3.分析这些商店招牌使用和出入口设计情况的优点和缺点,并提出相应改进措施; 4.每组同学都要完成一份PPT和一份WORD文档; 5.作业中要有一组同学明确的分工。