注意:听写中的数字均以阿拉伯数字填写,不要使用数字的英文拼写 提示词: population [.pɔpju'leiʃən] n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数 determine [di'tə:min] v. 决定,决心,确定,测定 preventable [pri'ventəbl, pri:-] adj. 可预防的;可阻止的;可防止的 obesity [əu'bi:siti] n. 肥胖,肥大 institution [.insti'tju:ʃən] n. 机构,制度,创立 predict [pri'dikt] v. 预知,预言,预报,预测 defined [di'faind] adj. 有定义的,确定的;清晰的,轮廓分明的 v. 使 U.S. Census Burea美国统计局 The population of the United States will get older, even if the nation has _____1_____ , suggest two reports from the U.S. Census Bureau. One of the reports predicts that by the year 2060, around one fourth of the U.S. population will be over the age of 65. That same year, _____2______ could reach an all -time high of 85 years, the report notes. The other study suggests that even _____3_____ , around 20 percent of the ________4________ . Census Bureau researchers expect the growth in life expectancy over the next 40 years to _______5_______ . Between 1970 and 2015, life expectancy _______6________ . But researchers predict it will rise only about 6 years _____7_______ . One report notes that "preventable health risks — such as smoking, obesity, and, more recently, opioid-related overdoses" could play a role in slowed gains in life expectancy. The United States could grow from about _____8_____ million people today to around ____9_____ million people by 2060. By _____10______ , the percentage of foreign -born people will be _____11_____ , the Census Bureau predicts. That would be the highest percentage of foreign-born people since 1850. U.S. immigration policy will _______12_______ , notes the Census Bureau. With ______13______ , defined as an increase of 50% over a 10-year period, the _______14______ .