【简答题】书面表达。 请先阅读一位母亲的来信: I am really worried about my daughter, Judy. She always thinks she is too fat. She eats only a little rice and some vegetables. And she eats no fish, beef or pork. 'Cake' and 'desse...
【简答题】C A large number of women in Western European countries wish that they were born men. The number is said as high as 60% in West Germany. “Women often wish that they had the same chance as men have, an...
【简答题】阅读《人类的动物园》选段,回答 11~14 题。(每小题 3 分,共 12 分) 我注意过以狮子为代表的高级动物和以蚂蚁为代表的低级动物的区别。生命的高级与否往往取决于一点:有无孤寂感。越高级的动物往往越孤寂,同样,越低级的动物则越喧闹。高级动物们都有一种 懒散 、 冷漠 、 孤傲 的步行动态,都有一双厌世不群的冰冷目光。他们无视世界的接受与理解,只在懒洋洋的徜徉中再懒洋洋地头,看过自己留给苍...
【简答题】结合图文资料,回答第下列问题。 上图所示甲乙丙三地都是淤泥质海岸,且属于地壳持续下沉区。 小题1:经考证发现,近30年来,甲地海岸线基本稳定,乙地海岸线向海推进,丙地海岸线向陆地后退。形成这种差异的主要因素是三地海岸的 A.地貌形态 B.泥沙沉积量 C.河网密度 D.抗蚀能力 小题2:为了减轻未来可能发生强烈地震造成的损失,断裂带附近的城市制定建筑防震标准应主要考虑 A.震级 B.震中距 C.烈度...
【简答题】A large number of women in Western European countries wish that they were born men. The number is said as high as 60% in Germany. “Women often wish that they had the same chance as men have, and belie...
【简答题】书面表达。 请首先阅读一位母亲的来信: I am really worried about my daughter, Judy. She always thinks she is too fat. She eats only a little rice and some vegetables. And she eats no fish, beef or pork. 'Cake' and 'dess...
【简答题】一台单相变压器,额定容量为500VA,U1N/U2N=380/220V,则I2N=( )。
【单选题】一台单相变压器,额定容量为500VA,U1N/U2N=380/220V,则I2N=( )。