【单选题】The supply of wine has remained the same partly because ______.
wine-producing countries are unwilling to increase their production
new vineyards will not be opened up in such counties as Australia
countries like Italy and Spain can' t supply enough good wines
the production of wine bottles has ceased to increase
【判断题】所有哺乳动物血清中的抗体都不能通过胎盘进入胎儿,幼崽只能从初乳中获得免疫抗体。 ( )
【判断题】Wine has been classified by various methods which have been constant over the years
【单选题】A new tax has been imposed ____ wine.
【多选题】患者66岁,女性,55岁绝经,近2周出现阴道出血。患者从未生育,绝经前月经不规律,否认应用过雌激素替代治疗。并患严重糖尿病,现口服降糖药物治疗。查体,患者呈肥胖体态,体重86kg,身高159cm,BMI=34kg/m 2 ,BP150/90mmHg、T37.2℃,心、肺检查正常。腹部肥大,未触及肿块。妇科检查,外生殖器正常,子宫正常大小,附件未触及肿块。需与本例进行鉴别诊断的疾病不包括()
【单选题】听力原文:(A) The table has been set outdoors. (B) The glasses are filled with wine. (C) The flower vase is being placed on the table. (D) The table is covered with a tablecloth.