【简答题】Culture, like an iceberg, consists of two parts: 1 culture , which is exposed material culture, visible and easily described, and 2 culture , which is hidden in the material culture.
【简答题】一个厚度不计的圆柱形水桶,底面积为4×10 -2 m 2 ,盛上一些水后对水平地面的压力为400N,求: (1)此时水桶对地面的压强为多大? (2)桶的侧壁上有一个小阀门A,它能承受的水的压强最大为6×10 3 Pa,当A距水面多深时,它将被水冲开? (3)现在,已知小阀门A距水面0.5m(如图),把一个体积为5×10 -3 m 3 的实心浮球放入水中,刚好能够把A冲开,则浮球的密度为多少?
【简答题】甲船的速度比乙船慢20%。把( )看作单位“l”,数量关系式是( )。
【单选题】--Don’t you like the material? –Yes, it ___very soft.
【简答题】乙数是甲数的20%,是把( )看作单位“1”。
【单选题】I like this kind of material; it ______ very soft.
【单选题】--- How do you like the material? --- Lovely. It soft.