【判断题】因麻黄味辛性温,主归肺经,故能发汗解表,主治风寒表证和风寒喘咳( )
【判断题】When puncturing Yamen (GV15) and Fengfu (GV16) points, you can sit upright, tilt your head slightly forward and relax your neck头微前倾,项部放松.
【判断题】因麻黄味辛性温,主归肺经,故能发汗解表,主治风寒表证和风寒喘咳( )
【单选题】We can learn from the passage that ______.
Ford and Chrysler will run the advertising slots in 2009
2009's Super Bowl will still be an expensive ads parade
America's ad spending this year will decline by 5% or more
Carmakers' fate determines to certain extent the ad spending in America
【单选题】Skipping breakfast can also cause you to overeat. To make matters worse, ________your body is in a slow state, it won't be able to burn the extra calories very efficiently. [ ]
【判断题】Yamen (GV15) and Fengfu (GV16) can puncture deeply perpendicularly or obliquely upward.向上深刺
【判断题】Yamen (GV15) can slowly puncture perpendicularly or obliquely downward0.5-1.0 cun in the direction of the submaxilla.哑门穴可以向下颌方向缓慢刺入0.5-1寸