【判断题】Although hackers and virus witers tend to be grouped together as similar, they differ gratly in their knowledge of computers and motivation for what they do.
【简答题】2006年1月20日12时17分许,位于仁寿县富加镇的中石油西南油气田分公司富加输气站的出站管线发生爆炸,埋在地下的管线爆炸形成十几米长、两三米深的大坑.几分钟后,该输气站的进站管线也发生爆炸.爆炸共造成8人当场死亡,另有1人送往医院后死亡,4人受重伤.爆炸产生的烟气造成当地空气污染.某课外活动小组的同学准备探究在爆炸现场采集的气体样品中是否含有CO(假设该样品中不含除CO之外的其它能与C U O...
【简答题】Passwords are everywhere in computer security. All too often, they are also ineffective. A good password has to be both easy to remember and hard to guess,but in practice people seem to pay attention ...