【单选题】维生素B1缺乏引起心衰的机制主要是( )
【简答题】女,53岁,近2~3年来月经不调,表现为周期延长,经量增多且淋漓不净。此次停经3个月,阴道出血10余天,量多,给予诊刮止血,刮出物组织学检查为子宫内膜简单型增生过长其诊断考虑为A、无排卵型功血 B、黄体功能不足 C、子宫内膜不规则脱落 D、子宫内膜炎 E、排卵型功血 最佳治疗方案是A、全子宫切除术 B、诊刮后应用强效孕激素 C、诊刮后抗感染治疗 D、子宫内膜电切术 E、诊刮后观察随访
【判断题】In negotiations, negotiators should strictly follow the rules of grammar.
【判断题】When counterparts are speaking, negotiators should look at them but not the translators.
【简答题】What points should negotiators pay attention to when covering insurance?
【单选题】女,53岁,近2~3年来月经不调,表现为周期延长,经量增多且淋漓不净,此次停经3个月,阴道出血10余天,量多,给予诊刮止血,刮出物组织学检查为子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长。 其诊断考虑为:
【单选题】李女士,50岁,近2~3年来月经不调,表现为周期延长,经量增多且淋漓不净。此次停经3个月,阴道出血10余天,量多给予诊刮止血,刮出物组织学检查为子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长 其诊断考虑为( )
【单选题】When negotiators use the "intimidation" tactic to detect deception, they should _____
focus on the futility and impending danger associated with continued deceit.
cheat the other and make them believe you have uncovered their deception.
play down the significance of any deceptive act.
take a "no-nonsense" accusation of the other.
【单选题】女,53岁,近2~3年来月经不调,表现为周期延长,经量增多且淋漓不净,此次停经3个月,阴道出血10余天,量多,给予诊刮止血,刮出物组织学检查为子宫内膜腺瘤样增生过长。 其可能的诊断,考虑为( )