【单选题】He often reads books in the , because there are so many books there. [ ]
【单选题】There are a great many books in the store, some are useful to us. [ ]
【判断题】在造成旅游者滞留的情况下,旅行社应当采取相应的安置措施,因此增加的返程 费用,由旅行社承担。( )
【单选题】“一带一路”倡议5年来,得到了国际社会的广泛理解、认同、支持和参与,已有( )多个国家和国际组织同中国签署合作协议。“一带一路”的朋友圈越来越广。
【简答题】Once, a medical student had to read a textbook which was far too expensive for him to buy. ( Passage One)
【单选题】He picked a textbook from the bookshelf and then commenced to read.