【简答题】材料题 南亚水患------2008年5月3日,强热带风暴“纳尔吉斯”以每小时192公里的时速袭击了缅甸,缅甸政府随后宣布仰光、伊洛瓦底省、勃固省、孟邦和克伦邦为重灾区。人口有8万人的伊洛瓦底江三角洲拉布达镇被高达12英尺(3.5米)的巨浪所淹没。到5月7日,已经证实有超过2.2万人在风暴袭击中丧生,另外还有4万余人失踪。随着救灾深入,死亡人数会进一步上升。 读图,回答下列各题。 小题1:图中A国...
【单选题】When the meal _____________ , you should begin to discuss business.
【判断题】1. The
man couldn’t see the young girl’s face very clearly. 2. The girl
said that she really enjoyed being rich. 3. The
man followed the young girl, to see where she went. 4. The
young man was rich, ...
【单选题】If you need to discuss sensitive issues over the phone (including exchanges of personal and protected information), how should you handle it with your phone companion?
Confirm with them it’s OK to discuss before discussing it.
Tell them you’ll e-mail it.
Avoid these discussions at all costs on the telephone.
【单选题】为了巩固学习的效果,小明每天放学回家后,将当天所学内容给爸爸姆妈讲一遍,这种学习策略是( )
【单选题】If you need to discuss sensitive issues over the phone (including exchanges of personal and protected information) how should you handle it with your phone companion?
Tell them you'll fax the information.
Confirm with them it's OK to discuss before discussing it.
Tell them you'll email it.
Avoid these discussions at all costs on the telephone.
【简答题】(30分)截至2006年底,伊朗石油剩余探明可采储量居世界第二位,目前伊朗90%的油井主要集中分布在南部和西南部地区。根据材料,完成下列各小题。 材料一 伊朗及相关区域示意图。 材料二 德黑兰气候资料图。 材料三 “新月沃地”(下图中弯月形状的地带)是古代农业摇篮地区之一。 (1)伊朗是地震多发国家,因为其位于 地震带附近。材料一中的A地位于 板块上。A地的地带性植被是 。波斯湾盛产的能源主要...
【单选题】为了巩固学习的效果,小明每天放学回家后,将当天所学内容给爸爸妈妈讲一遍,这种学习策略是( )。
【简答题】You should discuss the matter with your _________ of department. (head)