【单选题】You can take the person out of nature, but you can't take nature out of the person. The latest scientific thinking tells us that even in the modem workplace, we're still at the mercy of basic biology....
you can change a person's nature for a while, but you can't change it permanently
you can change man's living conditions, but you can't change his nature
you can follow biological roles but you can't break them
you can improve yourself but you can't change your nature
【简答题】A~E是原子序数依次增大的五种短周期元素,其有关性质或结构信息如表所示: 元素 A B C D E 有关性质或结构信息 单质是空气中主要成分之一,其氢化物水溶液呈碱性 原子核外有两个未成对电子 日常生活中常见的金属,通常用电解法冶炼其单质 其简单阴离子带两个单位负电荷 单质有毒,常温下为有色气体,常用于自来水消毒 请结合表中信息完成下列各小题: (1)C在元素周期表中的位置是______,D的简单...