【简答题】完形填空. I sat near the window on the flight.The middle and outer seats were__ 1 __by two ladies busy working on a business project.As the plane took off,one of their__ 2 __spilled (使散落) the things in it...
【判断题】洞门修建时间可以随机,也可以在在雨季施工。( )
【单选题】DATA 用于微处理器与DHT11之间的通讯和同步,采用单总线数据格式,一次通讯时间约为
【单选题】I have bags under _______ eyes.
【简答题】FA1: Here are your seats. Let me help you put the bags into the 头顶行李架 . J: Thank you. FA1: Alex, you can put your small bag under the seat in front of you. J: May I have a blanket? FA1: No problem, Ma...
【多选题】下面关于 DHT11 温湿度传感器说法正确的是
DATA 用于微处理器与 DHT11 之间的通讯和同步,一次传送 40 位数据,高位优先
数据格式: 8bit 湿度整数数据 +8bit 湿度小数数据 +8bit 湿度整数数据 +8bit 湿度小数数据 +8bit 湿度整数数据
它的引脚包含 VCC ( 3.5V~5.5V DC ), DATA (串行数据), GND (电源负极)
它的温湿度分辨率是 0.1%RH ( 16Bit ),量程范围: -40 ~80