【判断题】《春秋》反映贵礼、尚贤的社会价值观, 被司马迁赞为“礼义之大宗”。其 记事往往寓含作者的褒贬。( )
【判断题】The experiential function (sometimes also referred to as ideational function) is realized by the transitivity system of language. ()
【判断题】《春秋》被司马迁赞为“礼义之大宗”,反映贵礼、尚贤的社会价值观。记事往往寓含作者的褒贬,微言大义,后世称之为“春秋笔法”。 ( )
【判断题】According to Halliday, the ideational function is the function of language that people use as medium to get along in a community. ()
【单选题】A recursive function is a function that ______.
is inside of another function
【简答题】染毒体积:一般为动物体重的 _____,最多不超过____。
【单选题】在Internet 中,( )负 责实现域名与IP地址之间的相互转换。