【单选题】I ________ I could fly to the moon one day.
【单选题】. If I ______ plan to do anything I want to,I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.
【单选题】I will fly to Shanghai tomorrow morning,______I plan to stay for three days.
【单选题】I will fly to Hong Kong, ____ I plan to stay for three weeks.
【单选题】治贫先治愚,扶贫先扶智。( )是阻断贫困代际传递的治本之策。
【单选题】I wonder if they will fly to Beijing tomorrow.
【简答题】(四) 评估师对某铸造厂吊运铁水用的桥式起重机进行现场鉴定,鉴定项目包括桥架、起升机构减速器、吊钩、钢丝绳。 问题: 1.桥架。通过查阅技术资料和现场实测得知桥架跨度为16.5m,原始上拱度为20mm,弹性下挠度为23mm,下挠度为12mm,桥架底部无疲劳裂纹,以往从未大修过。 问:起重机桥架的报废条件是什么?根据这个条件和附表1、附表2规定的大修条件判断,该起重机是否应报废或大修? 2.起升机构...