【简答题】a thorough cleaning of the house
【单选题】“卫生注册证书”和“卫生登记证书”的有效期为( )。
【单选题】I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had ______today.
【单选题】I'm not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had today. [ ]
【多选题】县级以上地方人民政府在食品安全监督管理中未履行职责,本行政区域出现重大食品安全事故、造成严重社会影响的,依法对直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员给予( )处分。
【单选题】The students in our class did a thorough cleaning inthe classroom. Now everything is . [ ]
【单选题】I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had ____ today.
【单选题】I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had ____ today.