【单选题】患者,男,27岁,诊断为原发性肾病综合征,初次常规治疗每日用泼尼松60 mg,6周后尿蛋白仍为(+),此时应采取的措施是
减少泼尼松量到40 mg/d,加用免疫抑制剂
【单选题】It was about 2 p.m. on Mar. 9 when three Nucor Corp. electricians got the call from their colleagues at the Hickman (Ark.) plant. It was bad news: Hickman's electrical grid had failed. For a minimill ...
affect little when fails
【单选题】When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all _________. The workers had no jobs, and the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.