说明:假设你是东方职业技术学院的学生,即将毕业,想要应聘 ABC 公司销售员的职位,请根据以下内容完成求职申请表。 1. 填表日期: (1)2016 年 6 月 19 日 2. 家庭住址:南京街新华路 50 号 3. 家庭电话: 020-123**678 4. 手机号码: 150****6789 5. 电子邮箱: liming123@163.com 6. 期望月薪:约 3000 元 7. 能力与爱好: 我能熟练使用计算机,并有较强的英语口语能力。我还有较强的沟通能力与团 多合作精神。我爱好阅读、运动与旅游。我愿意加班出差。 Employment Application Personal Details Date of Application: 1.__________ Name of Applicant: 2.__________ Address: 50Xinhua Road ,Nanjing Personal Contact Home telephone: 020-123**678 Mobile: 3.__________ E-mail Address: 4.__________ Applied position: 5.__________ Expected Salary: About 3000yuan Education Background 2013-2016 Dongfang Professional Technical College Skills & Hobbies: I 6.__________ the use of computers and excellent in 7.__________ . What’s more, I have a good command of 8.__________ and a strong sense of team spirit. I have many hobbies, such as reading books, doing 9.__________ . One point that needs to be mentioned is that I’d like to 10.__________ and go on business trips. Please fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases: 1.sports and travelling 2.work overtime 3.am skilled in 4.150****6789 5.oral English 6. application letter 7. Mobile 8.communication skills 9.June 19,2016 10.Salesman 11.liming123@163.com 12.Li Ming