【判断题】剥( b ō)削 停泊( bó ) 淡薄( bó )
【单选题】A line leading aft from forecastle to the shore is called().
【单选题】You must take 2 tugs fore and 1 tug aft.
It is possible for you to take 3 tug fore and aft
It is necessary for you to take 3 tug fore and aft
It is possible for you to take 2 tug fore and aft
It is necessary for you to take 2 tug fore and aft
【单选题】Where is the draft largest when the ship has an aft trim?
The drafts are equal all over the ship
【多选题】英国艺术上的巴洛克现象主要是从 和 发展起来的。
【简答题】怀远,这在古典诗歌中是一个烂熟的题目。在杜甫生活的盛唐时期,古典诗歌固然正处于大开拓、大发展的阶段,但如像对景伤怀、思亲怀友这类的题材,却已早经无数作者吟咏,要出新意颇不容易。为什么杜甫《月夜》这一首五律能够脱颖而出,成为同类题材作品中千古独步的名篇?(字数不得低于500字。) 月夜 杜甫 今夜鄜州月,闺中只独看。 遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。 香雾云鬟湿,清辉玉臂寒。 何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干。