【单选题】Which of the following statements is representative of what might be asked in a behavioral interview?
"Consider a time when you were faced with an angry client. What did you do to turn the situation around?"
"We are concerned with employee pilferage. As a manager here, how would you go about discouraging this behavior?"
"Employees in this division are frequently under a great deal of pressure. How do you think you would handle the stress of the position?"
"What would you do if a subordinate threatened to sue the company for discrimination?"
【简答题】患者男,73岁。因“突发头晕、眩晕2h”就诊。患者早晨起床后突感头晕,随后症状加重,出现视物旋转、行走不稳,伴明显恶心、呕吐。患者有高血压、高胆固醇血症、脑梗死病史和吸烟史。对该患者的病史问询应重点关注( )A、视觉障碍 B、感觉障碍 C、听力障碍 D、语言障碍 E、大小便障碍 F、痫性发作 G、精神障碍 (提示 经详细问询,补充病史,患者在眩晕同时伴随面部麻木;家属发现患者构音不清;无明显肢体无...
【单选题】一 She might complain about you to your manager. — _____? I know I am in the right. [ ]
【单选题】—She might complain about you to your manager. — ?I know I am in the right.
【单选题】What might happen if you take up the matter with the colleague concerned?
They might not appreciate your concern.
They might interfere in your job.
They might suggest that you go out for some coffee together.
They might advise you to go to your line manager on Human Resources
【简答题】You are a manager in a company: As the city battles corona virus outbreak, factory shutdown is persisting and the company is standing on quicksand 1. what might be the challenges for you in motivating...