【单选题】Please translate the following sentence into English: 很多家长忙于工作,忽视了与孩子的沟通,这可能会导致孩子出现心理问题。
Many parents spend most of their time at work, neglect the interaction with their children, it may lead to children's psychological problems.
Many parents spend most of their time at work and neglecting the interaction with their children, it may lead to psychological problems.
Many parents spend most of their time with their work and ignore the interaction with children, which leads to psychological problems with children.
If many parents spend most of their time at work and neglect the interaction with their children, children may have psychological problems.
【简答题】听录音,给下列句子标序号。 ( ) Close the door. ( ) Open the window. ( ) Close your book. ( ) Open your pencil case. ( ) Close the window.
【单选题】听力原文: The New Year celebration in Thailand was shattered by violence, when 9 bombs exploded across Bangkok around midnight. Three Thai citizens were killed and more than 30 injured. No terrorist group...
Terrorists fought with Government troops.
Thai troops killed terrorists.
There were explosions.
【单选题】( ) 适用于 多用于中间有走廊或一侧有走廊的办公楼、以及开间、进深变化较多的建筑,如幼儿园、医院等。
【单选题】一般单层工业厂房、大厅、商店等建筑,宜采用 ( ) 供暖系统。
【单选题】根据材料,回答题 一般资料:求助者,女性,32岁,机关公务员。 案例介绍:求助者主述,半年前发现丈夫手机里有暧昧的短信。她非常震惊,从没想到 过丈夫会出轨。她对家庭很满意,儿子已上学,家里生活衣食无忧,自己有房有车,工作也稳定,她怎么也不敢相信自己的丈夫会和别的女人好上,。中痛苦万分。她想到了离婚可又割舍不下这个家,不离婚又不能容忍丈夫对自己的背叛,她在矛盾的煎熬中度日如年,无心做家务,整日忧心忡...