【简答题】若m=5,则3(m+1) 2 ﹣5(m+1)(m﹣1)+2m(m﹣1)=( )。
【简答题】A.She's on a committee. B.She's been working late. C.She exercises too much. D.She's trying to account for the report.
【简答题】已知m 2 -5m-1=0,则 2 m 2 -5m+ 1 m 2 =______.
【单选题】“不登高山,不知天之高也,不临深溪,不知水之深也”,这说明了( )
【简答题】先化简,再求值:3(m+1) 2 ﹣5(m+1)(m﹣1)+2(m﹣1),其中m=5.
【简答题】A.She's never been treated by Dr. Joanna. B.She's been sitting in the waiting room too long. C.Dr. Joanna isn't the very good choice. D.She'd like to recommend a magazine to the man.
【简答题】化简求值:3(m+1) 2 ﹣5(m+1)(m﹣1)+2m(m﹣1),其中m=5。