【简答题】阅读以下程序代码,按输入语句右侧注释部分指定的数据输入,在各输出语句右侧注释部分写出对应输出结果,然后运行程序。 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { bool v; int a, m, n; double x, y, z, p, f; float f1 ; cin>> boolalpha >>v; // 输入: true c...
【多选题】How does the nuclear envelope re-form at the telophase of M phase?
By the end of anaphase, the chromosomes have separated into two equal groups, one at each pole of the spindle. During telophase, the final stage of mitosis, the mitotic spindle disassembles, and a nuclear envelope reassembles around each group of chromosomes to form the two daughter nuclei.
Vesicles of nuclear membrane associate with the clustered chromosomes and then fuse to re-form the nuclear envelope.
During this process, the nuclear pore proteins and nuclear lamins that were phosphorylated during prometaphase are now dephosphorylated, which allows them to reassemble and rebuild the nuclear envelope and lamina.
Once the nuclear envelope has been re-established, the pores restore the localization of cytosolic and nuclear proteins and the condensed chromosomes decondense into their interphase state. A new nucleus has been created, and mitosis is complete. All that remains is for the cell to complete its division into two separate daughter cells.