【单选题】心肺复苏的操作流程为( )。 1评估意识 2胸外心脏按压 3开放气道 4人工呼吸 5检查颈动脉搏动与呼吸
【单选题】已知样本为101,98,102,100,99,样本的标准差为( )
【多选题】How can extracellular signals regulate the permeability of gap junctions?
Gap junctions in many tissues can be opened or closed in response to extracellular or intracellular signals.
The neurotransmitter dopamine, for example, reduces gap-junction communication between certain neurons in the mammalian retina when secreted in response to an increase in light intensity.
This reduction in gap-junction permeability alters the pattern of electrical signaling and helps the retina switch from using rod photoreceptors, which are good detectors of low light levels, to cone photoreceptors, which detect color and fine detail in bright light.
Gap junctions are dynamic structures that, like conventional ion channels, are gated: they can close by a reversible conformational change in response to extracellular or intracellular sign als . The permeability of gap junctions decreases within seconds, for example, when the intracellular Ca 2+ concentration is raised.
【单选题】某商品的100件样品中,测得的优质品为98件,则样本优质品成数为( )。
【简答题】通过网络观看心肺复苏视频,了解和掌握心肺复苏的操作方法和注意事项。通过文字形式简明扼要的概括出 心肺复苏操作流程。
【简答题】说说心跳骤停,心肺复苏的概念 生存链的五个环节 徒手心肺复苏的操作流程。 找一个模特,或者大的玩具娃娃,模拟操作一下心肺复苏操作,拍两张照片发给我,分别正侧面的。要看手臂是否绷直,手臂是否与病人胸壁垂直,手掌的姿势。