【简答题】The boss told his secretary to___the documents for later use.
【判断题】SS4型电力机车段修要求:小型交流电动机的容量在10 kW以上的交流电机,运转振动过大时,应对转子进行动平衡试验。
【简答题】案例五、某企业于2013年1月购人钢材100t,增值税专用发票注明每吨单价4000元,进 项税额68000元。双方商定采用商业承兑汇票结算方式支付贷款,付款期限三个月。以银 行存款支付远费40000元,增值税抵扣率为7%。已知钢材的计划成本每吨4100元,该 批钢材料已运到并验收入库。根据给出的背景资料,回答下列问题: 结算贷款及支付运费时,材料采购费用为( )元。(单项选择题) A.440000...
【单选题】SS4型电力机车段修要求小型交流电动机在正弦波工频交流电1500 V,( )不击穿。
【简答题】收货人或其代理持_____ 在海关规定的期限内备妥报关资料,向海关申报。海关验放后在_____ 的规定栏目内盖放行章。
【单选题】SS。型电力机车段修要求小型交流电动机在正弦波工频交流电l 500 V( )不击穿。
【单选题】Which of the following is correct with respect to the design and use of business documents?
The documents should be in paper format.
Documents should be designed for a single purpose to avoid confusion in their use.
Documents should be designed to be understandable only by those who use them.
Documents should be prenumbered consecutively to facilitate control over missing documents.