【判断题】If the central bank wishes to contract the money supply, it could do any of the following: sell government bonds, raise the reserve requirement, and raise the refinancing rate
【单选题】Development economics embraces the whole____from the poor primitive to modern industrial societies.
【单选题】Where can I get the information I need?
【简答题】The Indian's economics differed as widely as their languages and colors. They ranged from nomadic tribesmen to highly developed village Indians. But on the whole their social system was that of tribal...
【单选题】The whole economics theory based on the assumption that ____
individuals are completely Irrational
individuals are completely rational
individual decision making is based on personal information, cognitive limitations, and time constraints
【单选题】男,68岁。因胃溃疡出血行毕I式胃大部切除术。术后第6天,有肛门排气后开始进流质饮食,进食后腹胀并呕吐,呕吐物中含胆汁。腹部可见胃型,无蠕动波。x线平片示残胃内大量胃液瀦留。产生此症状最可能的原理是( )