【单选题】What should you do to keep in touch with your best friend when he / she moved away? (1) Keep in touch with him / her through letters or e-mails. (2) Never phone him / her again. (3) Send a birthday ca...
【简答题】What will happen if you do not touch the button' START' ? The microwave oven ______.
【单选题】With the cell phone available, I can do whatever I want to do and still______in touch with my par
31.With the cell phone available, I can do whatever I want to do and still______in touch with my parents and friends. A.stay
【简答题】______ you ______ it again? A.Do; dare to touching B.Dare; to touch C.Do; dare touching D.Dare; touch
【单选题】蔡先生,29岁。5年来站立 、咳嗽等腹内压增高时右腹股沟区反复出现包块,平卧安静时 包块明显缩小或消失 。10小时前因提重物而包块又出现,伴腹痛 、呕吐、肛门排气排便停止。体检示右阴囊红肿,可见一梨形肿块,平卧后包块也不消失 。腹外疝术后,对蔡先生正确的健康指导是