【单选题】“个人怎样表现自己的生活,他们自己就是怎样。因此,他们是什么样的,这同他们的生产是一致的——既和他们生产什么一致,义和他们怎样生产一致。因而,个人是什么样的,这取决于他们进行生产的特质条件。”马克思的这段话说明个体的发展具有( )。
【单选题】Marriage is given that as man and woman together in love and trust they should be united one another in body.
【单选题】三相五柱式电压互感器接成的Y0/Y0/ 中,其开口三角形用来测量( )电压,进行绝缘监察。
【判断题】German and Japanese governments are more laissez-faire; i.e., ensure free markets, self-regulation is encouraged. While UK and U.S. governments are more active in orchestrating growth, government has ...
【判断题】German and Japanese markets traditionally oriented toward creditors. Earnings tend to have a more conservative bias with more smoothing opportunities.
【简答题】细菌细胞壁含有( ),而酵母菌细胞壁含有( )。
【简答题】What is the great advantage of German and Japanese firms?