理解的翻译标准——“化”。 的翻译标准是“化”。他曾表示“文学翻译的最高理想可以说是‘化’。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入于‘化境’。十七世纪一个英国人赞美这种造诣高的翻译,比为原作的‘投胎转世’(the transmigration of souls),躯体换了一个,而精魂依然故我。换句话说,译作对原作应该忠实得以至于读起来不像译本,因为作品在原文里决不会读起来像经过翻译出来的东西。”(,《七缀集》,第79页) The highest ideal of literary translation is“sublimation”,transforming a work from one language into another. If this could be done without betraying any evidence of artifice by virtue of divergences in language and speech habits, while at the same time preserving intact the flavor of the original, then we say such a performance has attained “the ultimate of sublimation”. A British scholar in the 17th century, in praise of translation of this perfection, compared it to the “transmigration of souls" , replacing the external shell and retaining the inner spirit and style without the slightest deviation. In other words, a translation should cleave to the original with such fidelity that it would not read like a translation, for a literature work in its own language will never read as though it were through a process of translation. (转引自薇, 2009:321) 将谚语“吃一堑,长一智”译为A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.体现了他“化境”的翻译标准。(参见冲,2003:239)你喜欢这译文吗?为什么?你能用“功能相似,意义相符”的标准分析此译文吗?