【简答题】阅读理解 1932 Liu Changchun ( 1901-1983 ) joined the 10th Olympic s in Los Angeles, US. He is the first Chinese to attend Olympics. He took part in the l00m and 200m race. 1952 The People's Republ...
【简答题】Complete the
sentences by using the “v- ing ” form of words in the box. Changes may be needed in some
sentences. 1. ___________ her current address, I
can’t send her the Christmas card this year. 2. T...
【简答题】【2019广州番禺】下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )(3分) A. 为保障学生在校用餐的质量,中小学、幼儿园应当建立集中用餐陪餐制度,每餐均应有学校负责人与学生共同用餐。 B. 六年来,“一带一路”从倡议到行动,让世界看到了中国“言必信行必果”的大国担当,其成果和进展超出预期。 C. 近年,本着和平互利、面向未来为原则发展中美关系,克服政治经济障碍,推进中美战略互惠关系。 D....