【简答题】某高校新建一栋办公楼和一栋实验楼,均为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。 办公楼地下一层,地上十一层,建筑檐高 48m ;实验楼六层,建筑檐高 22m 。建设单位与某施工总承包单位签订了施工总承包合同。合同约定:( 1 )电梯安装工程由建设单位指定分包;( 2 )保温工程保修期限为 10 年。 施工过程中,发生了下列事件: 事件一:总承包单位上报的施工组织设计中,办公楼采用 1 台塔吊;在七层楼面设置有自制...
【单选题】Jim: What did you study? Len: we did a lot of different subjects: public speaking, communication. I learned a lot Jim:, What did you do then? Len: I worked _____ a few radio stations and local channel...
【单选题】Being a friend of mine like he was when we first joined the soccer team . Together we learned a lot.
【简答题】After learning this article, we have learned a lot of ________(know) about charities.
【判断题】We may give a lot of quotations in an essay to show that we are learned and brilliant.