【简答题】Please make a menu of your own restaurant(Either Chinese restaurant menu or western restaurant menu is OK),try to make your menu attractive. (请将你制作的菜单拍照上传)
【判断题】化学修饰最小化siRNA 分子的特异免疫原性。
【单选题】甲对乙享有2万元债权,已到清偿期限,但乙一直声称无能力清偿欠款,甲调查发现,乙享有对丁的7000元债权还有三个月到期,戊因赌博欠乙8000元,乙对其享有的债权都怠于行使。另外,乙在一年前发生交通事故,因事故中的人身伤害对丙享有l万元债权,因事故中的财产损失对丙享有5000元债权,已经到期。对此,对下列哪项债权甲可以行使代位权?( )
【多选题】与固定汇率制相比,浮动利率制的主要优点是( )
【简答题】Please have a try to design your own Résumé for your job-hunting in the near future. Try to polish the draft with your group members and make your Résumé perfect.
【简答题】Simulation of selling offer Assume you are an exporter. Try to design your own products, find their competitive advantages, and make marketing plan. Make an offer to importers to show your products. (...