【简答题】(7分)嫩肉粉的主要成分是碳酸氢钠(NaHCO 3 ),可破坏肉质纤维结构、促进肉类吸收水分,从而使肉质松软,达到鲜嫩爽滑的目的。小明发现将拌了嫩肉粉的肉类放到锅中加入食醋调味烧煮时产生了大量气体,她对此颇感兴趣,决定对其进行探究。 I. 小明对气体的成分进行了猜测:气体中除了醋酸气体和水蒸气之外,还可能含有气体A,A是 。 Ⅱ. 小明对气体A的来源做了两种猜测: 猜测1: ; 猜测2:气体A可能...
【判断题】The customer service metrics that are chosen should be relevant and important from the customer’s perspective.
【判断题】The definition of customer service is the ability of an organization to constantly and consistently match the customer’s expectations.
【判断题】When answering the questions of the customer, you can comment on the customer’s personal life.