【单选题】李某委托熟人魏某将一个内装一幅名画的箱子从广州捎给在北京居住的自己的父亲,箱子上了锁,李某告诉魏某箱子里装的是几件衣服,这幅名画价值40多万元。但魏某并没有将这个箱子捎给李某的父亲,李某多次向魏某讨要,魏某未还。李某向公安机关报案,魏某的行为构成:( )
【单选题】Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
【单选题】Why is the woman upset?
Because she can’t watch TV.
Because her ears were hurt.
Because she can’t hear the words on the telephone.
Because her eyes were hurt.
【简答题】选出画线字母发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. b ook ( ) 2. A. c offee ( ) 3. A. b ag ( ) 4. A. b oy B. b ed B. c ook B. a nt B. a pple C. re d C. b oy C. a pple C. b ird
【简答题】Corn and potatoes are originated from ____(美洲).
【简答题】选出划线字母发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. b i ke ( ) 2. A. d e sk ( ) 3. A. m a ke ( ) 4. A. m i lk B. i ce-cream B. sh e B. f a ce B. l i brary C. i t C. e lephant C. n a me C. f i sh D. r i ce D. r e...
【单选题】Corn and potatoes are originated from ____.