【单选题】已知 x 是观测时间 ,6 点 12 点整点观测, y 是第 3 至 6 十字路口,观测 1 分钟内由南至北车流量数据如下。如果想推测 8:30 时第 5 个路口的车流量数据,以下哪些语句可以实现? 1x=6:12; 2y=[ 15 23 52 43 30 34 40; 10 20 46 34 27 30 36; 12 22 35 58 45 44 40; 8 ...
【单选题】Why does the author use the phrase 'Quartz is quartz'?
To describe how the differences between Pleistocene and Cambrian quartz reveal information about dating rocks
To point out that the chemical composition of quartz makes it more difficult to date than other rocks
To provide an example of how regional differences in rock sequences can make a particular rock difficult to date
To explain that rocks are difficult to use for dating because their chemical compositions always remain the same over time
【判断题】Quartz filter and ceramic filter have the same symbol, equivalent circuit and characteristics.
【简答题】C店卖家参加淘金币活动店铺DSR需要达到多少?A. · ≥4.6B. · ≥4.5C. · ≥4.4D. · ≥4.3