【单选题】Great Changes have taken place since then in the factory we are working.
【单选题】We went to the factory ___we visited last year.
【单选题】扩展名为( )的文件,在没有安装PowerPoint 2010的系统中可直接放映。
【单选题】Great changes ahve taken place since then in the factory we are working.
【单选题】Because of the recent fire in the factory, all the stocks were destroyed. (), we cannot make shipment as arranged before.
【单选题】扩展名为( )的文件,在没有安装PowerPoint2010的系统中可直接放映
【单选题】扩展名为()的文件,在没有安装PowerPoint 2010 的系统中可直接放映
【单选题】扩展名为( )的文件,在没有安装PowerPoint 2010的系统中可直接放映。
【单选题】The river by waste products from the factory. We can find no fish in it.
【判断题】In the future factory we still need lots of people to work.