【单选题】(41~43题共用题干) 张女士,79岁。因支气管哮喘急性发作入院治疗,经静脉输入药物2天后病情缓解。第3天输液1小时后,患者突然出现面色苍白、呼吸困难、急促、咳嗽加重、咳粉红色泡沫样痰。 下列处理措施错误的是( )
【单选题】(6~9题共用题干)患者,女性,40岁。心慌、手抖1个月,检查FT 3 、FT 4 、TT 3 、TT 4 增高,考虑为甲状腺功能亢进症收住入院。护士在为其进行血压测量时,最可能出现的是:( )
【简答题】All of the following are mentioned as the ways to dispose of dead bodies EXCEPT _____________.A. burning the bodiesB. burying the bodies in the groundC. exposing the bodies on the platformsD. l...
【单选题】All of the following are mentioned as the ways to dispose of dead bodies EXCEPT .
burying the bodies in the ground
exposing the bodies on platforms
making little human figures from clay