【单选题】某安全等级为二级的深基坑,开挖深度为 8.0m ,均质砂土地层,重度 γ =19kN/m3 ,黏聚力 C =0 ,内摩擦角 φ =30° ,无地下水影响。拟采用桩 - 锚杆支护结构,支护桩直径为 800mm ,锚杆设置深度为地表下 2m ,水平倾斜角为 15° ,锚固体直径 D=150mm ,锚杆总长度为 18m 。已知按锚杆承载力抗拔试验得到的锚杆极限抗拔承载力标准值为 300kN ,不考虑其他...
【单选题】I certainly won't ....... any objection when you make your proposal.
【简答题】-You haven't said a word about my new coat , Brenda.Do you like it? -I'm sorry I ________ anything about it sooner.I certainly think it's pretty on you. A.wasn't saying B.don't say C.won't say D.did...
【单选题】—Would you mind doing the dishes? —______ [ ]
【单选题】--Don't make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping. -- ________.
【单选题】在华中HNC-21系统中,手摇脉冲发生器需在( )的方式下才能使用。
【多选题】电气设备试验一般分为【 】 、【 】 、【 】 、【 】。
【单选题】请读程序: # include<stdio.h> main( ) { floa x,y; scanf('%f',& x); if(x<0.0)y=0.0; else if ((x<5.0)& &(x!=2.0)) y=1.0/(x+2.0); else if(x<10.0)y=1.0/x; else y=10.0; printf('%f/n',y); } 若运行时从键盘上输入2.0<CR>(<CR...