【判断题】在下面的程序段中,内层for语句的循环体中不存在中止循环的控制语句,也没有改变i和j的值的操作,则内循环体执行的总次数为20至30次。(第4章 循环结构程序设计) int i,j; for(i=5;i;i--) for(j=1;j<5;j++) { ...... }
【判断题】Choose the necessary parts that should be included in a welcome speech from the following, please tick ringht if you think one is necessary, and tick wrong if you think one is not. 判断出下列表达中,哪些是必须要包含在欢...
【判断题】Choose the necessary parts that should be included in a welcome speech from the following, please tick ringht if you think one is necessary, and tick wrong if you think one is not. 判断出下列表达中,哪些是必须要包含在欢...
【单选题】Choose the similar word. She searched her desk for the necessary information.
【单选题】云南教育网的网址为http://www.ynjy.cn,该网站的顶级域名及其表示的含义是( )
【判断题】Choose the necessary parts that should be included in a welcome speech from the following, please tick ringht if you think one is necessary, and tick wrong if you think one is not. 判断出下列表达中,哪些是必须要包含在欢...
【多选题】在认识论上,必然王国是指在认识和实践活动中,人们对某些客观事物及其规律还没有认识,因而导致人们还不能自觉地支配自己和外部世界。在社会历史上,必然王国是指( )