七选五 People who seem to have all the luck are not usually blessed by a large amount of good fortune. They simply have a healthy attitude , which enables them to make the most of situations. Here are some tips for creating your own luck. 1 . Be Grateful for What You Have Some people are already lucky , and they just don’t know it.__1__For example , you have a happy family , some wonderful friends , a roof over your head and food on the table. By acknowledging these things regularly , you can instantly feel luckier. 2 . See the Good in the Past People sometimes complain about their past for holding them back. They blame their parents or their schooling for not setting them up for success. But having a difficult life develops strengths and qualities you might never have got if you hadn’t been through those tough situations.__2__ 3 . Be Generous If you want people to give you opportunities , you have to consider what you can do for others.__3__Be generous with your time and attention , and you’ll be surprised how many lucky opportunities people may offer you. 4 . Be Open to New Things Luck doesn’t just happen upon us—it comes to us when we’re open.__4__Learning new skills , visiting a new place , or trying a new hobby are all great ways of expanding your opportunities and your mindset. 5 . Take Action __5__Take steps towards your goals and dreams and greet every challenge with a positive mindset. You will find you create more luck in everyday life. A . You cannot expect to receive if you never give. B . So be grateful for the good that came from your past. C . Many people spend time thinking about what they don’t have. D . You’ll never create any luck if you sit there waiting for it to come. E . Trying something new is a great way of getting more opportunities. F . But often success comes from great determination rather than good luck. G . Look at how lucky you already are instead of focusing on what’s lacking.
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。Have you( ) visited the Great Wall?
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。What ( ) do you want me to do?
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。He was by himself, alone, as( ).
【单选题】电路图中电气元器件的可动部分通常表示( )
激励 、工作时的状态或位置
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。I have ( ) drunk better beer.
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。I like him( ) so much.
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。I( ) saw him after that.
【简答题】请用 ever 和 never 两个词填空。This is in ( ) such good condition.