【简答题】用欧几里得算法(辗转相除法)求解两个整数 a,b 的最大公约数。
【单选题】股息和股利收支属于国际收支平衡表中的( )。
【判断题】Globe valves are most commonly used for throttling service.
【判断题】Globe valves are mechanical valves that prevent reverse flow in piping
【单选题】一国的利息、股息和股利收入,属于国际收支平衡表中的 。
【判断题】Globe valves can be opened but only require one-quarter turn on a handle.
【判断题】Globe valves should not be used to throttle flow for extended periods.
【判断题】Unlike the gate and globe valves, a ball valve doesnot lift the flow-control device out of the process stream.