【判断题】用泡沫灭火剂扑灭油罐火灾时,如果火势很大,有时并不能将火完全扑灭,会发生闷燃引起爆炸。( )
【单选题】在心智技能形成过程中,心智活动的实践模式向头脑内部转化,由物质的、外显的、展开的形式变成观念的、内潜的、简缩的形式的过程叫做( )。
【简答题】Model 2: He hasn’t yet recovered from illness. That’s the fact. → The fact is that he hasn’t yet recovered from illness. 7. It’s not worth doing. That’s the question.
【单选题】( )是生命世界中抗逆性最强的一种构造。
【简答题】Model 2: He hasn’t yet recovered from illness. That’s the fact. → The fact is that he hasn’t yet recovered from illness. 6. His mother is ill in bed. That’s the reason why he cannot go to the party.
【简答题】The fact that he works hard does not necessarily mean that he is a competent leader.
【简答题】Model 2: He hasn’t yet recovered from illness. That’s the fact. → The fact is that he hasn’t yet recovered from illness. 9. Who can I turn to? That’s my trouble.
【简答题】He is content about his life, despite the fact that he is poor.