Cross out inconsistent pronouns in the following sentences, and revise with the correct form of the pronoun above each crossed-out word . 1 Students who are required to lay out his or her documents in MLA format often don ’ t know what to do. 2 This can be frustrating for both professors and you. 3 However, by following a few simple rules, you can be successful. 4 The first thing a student needs to do is open their word-processing program. 5 The next thing you should do is go to the page formatting tool. 6 MLA standards require that the page margins are one inch around, lines are double-spaced, and the type size is a legible twelve-point font. 7 After checking that this is correct, we should then create a header that numbers all pages in the upper-right-hand corner. 8 Once the page layout is correct, the student should type their heading, which includes their name, instructor ’ s name, course, and date. 9 The final thing the student will do is type your essay title and essay. 10 Following these steps won ’ t guarantee that the essay gets an A but will mean that they will be formatted correctly.