【单选题】推动建立新型国际关系必须坚持的一个原则是( )
【简答题】钠泵转运Na + 、K + 属于()。|葡萄糖顺浓度梯度进入一般细胞属于()。|静息状态下K + 由细胞内向膜外扩散属于()。A. 单纯扩散B. 载体中介的易化扩散C. 通道中介的易化扩散D. 主动转运E. 继发性主动转运
【简答题】A. 单纯扩散 B.易化扩散 C.入胞作用 D. 原发性主动转运 E.继发性主动转运 1.O 2 与CO 2 的跨膜转运属于 2.Na + 由细胞内向细胞外转运属于 3. 肾小管对葡萄糖的重吸收属于
【单选题】推动建立新型国际关系必须坚持的一个原则是( )
【单选题】Which of the following is implied by the statement that the writers of the Harlem Renaissance 'were not so much revolting against the system as they were protesting its inefficient operation'?
Black writers played only a minor part in protesting the injustices of the period.
Left to itself, the system was sure to operate efficiently.
Black writers in general were not opposed to the system as such.
Black writers were too caught up in aesthetic philosoply to identify the true nature of the conflict.
【简答题】Na + 由细胞内向细胞外的转运属于______能量的______转运,当可利用的ATP缺乏时,Na + 泵活动受______,细胞内液容量______。