【简答题】指出下列各句中的偏义复词并加以解释。 1、于是焉河伯始旋其面目,望洋向若而叹。 2、臣不才,不胜其任,以为俘馘。 3、昼夜勤作息,伶俜索苦辛。 4、陟罚臧否,不宜异同。 5、今杀人之相,相又国君之亲,此其势不可以多人。多人,不能无生得失,生得失则语泄。 6、夫人......爪牙不足以供嗜欲,趋走不足以避利害。 7、今公常从数骑,一旦有缓急,宁足恃乎! 8、魏其之东朝,盛推灌夫之善,言其醉饱得过,乃...
【单选题】According to the data in Figure 3, what effect, if any,did removing the herbaceous layer have on the percent distribution among the 1-year-old seedlings in the 1-hectare area of the forest? The remova...
changed the percent for the northern red oak only.
changed the percent for the red maple and the percent for the white pine only.
changed the percent for each of the 5 tree species.
did not change the percent for any of the 5 tree species.