阅读下面文字,A、B、C、D 四句中,有语病的一句( ) A . 瑞士是一个山地小国,几乎完全没有矿产资源,却成为全球最富有的国家之一。 B 缺 乏自然资源的瑞士人在这一巴掌大的天地里死磕硬磨,硬是开拓出一片自己的江山。 C . 19 世纪中 20 世纪瑞士高档钟表业的黄金时代。 D . 萧邦、伯爵、劳力士等一批耀眼的品牌先后相继问世,独步天下。
【简答题】Did you find the notebook Jim had given me for my birthday? 2.He returned to the small town he grew up. 3.Have you seen the man plan we talked about yesterday? 4.The man talked to you just now is an e...
【简答题】As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain. • 2. My sister was expecting me, so I had to go now. • 3. A body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless ac...
【简答题】五、语法(非谓语) ----- 请用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. It is no use (ask) her. She doesn’t know any more than you do. 2. The bridge (build) next year is very long. 3. Mike wanted to find a (swim) pool near his house. 4. W...