【单选题】interrogate suspects
For the sake of examination, show me your residence permit, please.
Sorry, you cannot have it extended. The term of validity of your visa should not exceed that of your passport.
You should answer our questions honestly. You can refuse to answer any irrelevant questions. Now, do you want the interpreter and the policemen handling your case out?
Your illegal action has caused you to lose your legal residency.
【简答题】A. questioned B. interviewed C. inquired D. interrogate
【简答题】A.questioned B.interviewed C.inquired D.interrogate
【判断题】继承从被继承人死亡时开始。这里的“死亡”包括自然死亡和宣告死亡两种情况。继承开始后,由第一顺序继承人继承,即配偶、父母、子女。如果没有第一顺序继承人,或者第一顺序继承人都放弃或者丧失继承权的,再由第二顺序继承人继承,即, 兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母 。